I found the pictures we took.. & we looked so good together. tell me, How do'y sleep?
& I finally got out from hell. I got 'welcome' again haha to the same company! I'm so happy now, at least I have friendz to talk to whenever I get bored now.. man, I really hate working right here now.. being ill-treated. haha DAMN IT.Last night, I saw ruixi and girlfriends yo. I was shag looking after the little girl huh.. haha she makes me so so so so so wanna have a kid now lor. I mean, a kid of my own. I carried her while walking back to TPY Central w girlfriends.
Now pictures of the little one!! See, she emo at one corner lor.

Juwen says:
nobody say i don look singaporean b4 lor haha ure the first
should i be happy?
be myself, by myself says:
u can
if being chinese china makes u happy
Juwen says:
ok.. i dn wanna be happy anymore
say me cheena china -.-"
something that i cant be proud of.
be myself, by myself says:
why man
its gd to learn chinese now!
Juwen says:
i h8 chinese and i h8 china girls ALOT!!!!!
be myself, by myself says:
why do u hate one of yr kind
Juwen says:
shut up.. >.<
be myself, by myself says:
why u hate them
Juwen says:
i don know..
i hate the way the seduce old ti co peks..
be myself, by myself says:
well they work for $_$
they dont have a work permit
to survive
they do that
i pity them
Juwen says:
than u give them money loh and they give u "shuang shuang"
HAHAHA. I was laughing throughout the whole conv..
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