Monday, June 29, 2009
I never needed you to be strong
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
I never needed pain, I never needed strength
My love for you was strong enough you should have known.
I never needed you for judgements
I never needed you to question what I spent
I never ask for help, I take care of myself,
I don't know why you think you've got a hold on me
I've already spoken, our love is broken.
Baby hush, hush..
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
I found the pictures we took.. & we looked so good together. tell me, How do'y sleep?
& I finally got out from hell. I got 'welcome' again haha to the same company! I'm so happy now, at least I have friendz to talk to whenever I get bored now.. man, I really hate working right here now.. being ill-treated. haha DAMN IT.Last night, I saw ruixi and girlfriends yo. I was shag looking after the little girl huh.. haha she makes me so so so so so wanna have a kid now lor. I mean, a kid of my own. I carried her while walking back to TPY Central w girlfriends.
Now pictures of the little one!! See, she emo at one corner lor.

Juwen says:
nobody say i don look singaporean b4 lor haha ure the first
should i be happy?
be myself, by myself says:
u can
if being chinese china makes u happy
Juwen says:
ok.. i dn wanna be happy anymore
say me cheena china -.-"
something that i cant be proud of.
be myself, by myself says:
why man
its gd to learn chinese now!
Juwen says:
i h8 chinese and i h8 china girls ALOT!!!!!
be myself, by myself says:
why do u hate one of yr kind
Juwen says:
shut up.. >.<
be myself, by myself says:
why u hate them
Juwen says:
i don know..
i hate the way the seduce old ti co peks..
be myself, by myself says:
well they work for $_$
they dont have a work permit
to survive
they do that
i pity them
Juwen says:
than u give them money loh and they give u "shuang shuang"
HAHAHA. I was laughing throughout the whole conv..
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
gosh! this was weiqiang's msg a few hours ago.. I thought he was kidding.. & now the news was saying about it.. zZzzz!! take precautions dude, hope nothing happen to you huh!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I'm neither sad nor am I feeling happy. I feel like giving up my current job. handling with stress isn't going too well for me right now. sigh. but the people there are damn good, their one of the reasons I can't bear to leave.. tell me what should I do nao brown cow? hmm..
I don't know how to love again.. I really don't. life's a bitch!!!!!! __ need night life with girlfriendz.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Many have been asking me.. "why so young don't wanna study anymore?"
I always replied.. " no interests already leh.."
haha, actually there's a reason why I don't continue my study since I'm still young now! because I have a little one to look after. Her name is Ruixi. No surname for her since her father left me since he found out I'm pregnant. Have been a single mother for quite sometime now. I know it's a shocking news to all.. but yea. she's my love & my life. She's my world since her father left. he's very much a jerk.. But life is much much better with so many friends, and of cus my little baby girl. :D
So, everyone.. can I be a scriptwriter now? Actually this little baby is my dearest JamieKoh's niece huh. haha. ain't she adorable? I seeing her this thurs again. Woooo.. I can't wait!! :D
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Rebel on fri. Slept for 4 hours before I cabbed over to look for recruit "W Q TEO" for movie @ Jurong Point on Sat morning. Land of the Lost. I didn't know I would be awaken by then. spent the whole freaking day @ his hse watching tv and sleeping.
time wasn't much on his side. accompanied him to pasir ris and we reached around 9.15pm his buddies were alr waitting for him. trained back on my own. so damn tired. I'm not having any thoughts of him coming back to me, but we're already good just like that & I don't want anything to change.
& I know what I'm doing. Don't worry uh, girlfriends.
lastly, Happy Fathers' Day.. :)
going for dinner tonight with families.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Because what we have can't be erase. what do you know about love? Been hearing so many things about you from your friends.
Wish D will come on 27th :) I really hope.. teeheehee!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Met dearest Jamie & my old friend that juz had his Pass Out Parade, LIM JUN YAN; right after work. bishan for PizzaHut, ate & did alot of catching ups. chatted for almost 3-4hours can. than we walked Junction 8 around till evening before me and Jam headed back to my hse for BBQ. after BBQ I went to meet Ben & friends for clubbing @ double O. Manz, the night was super boring & wished girlfreinds were there. moreover the songs sucks like fuck. Retro night.. what the.. cab home around 2 or 3 plus, forget.
time to slack @ home. and my tattoo is in pain o.o I'm having many thoughts in my mind nao. heart's feeling heavy.
where were you when I needed you most?
Friday, June 12, 2009
How do'y love me now.
partying 2 times @ stjames powerhse this week. lolz. making it a habit to clubz every weekend liaoz.
oh my second tattoo done, a butterfly. ok this time it hurtz quite badly. cus its big. thanks jam for the company if not i sure die inside ok.
ok, here's a pic. mind the fats: chio bo? tribal butterfly.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Yoz. some major updates. ok man, not major.. HAHA.
Saturday night FEVER!!
Met up with the girlfriend, DEAREST JAM. we went to shop for shoes and had manicures done for 5 bux. we're the happy girls :) heeheehaahaa Gr8! Got bored of town so we took 143 to vivo. Met shawn for dinner since he's on his way back from Sentosa.. & my dear clubbbingggggg khaki ONGLITING. Dined @ pasta mania. went for a walk in DAISO after dinner. crapping & wasting time away ~ "jam loves to chew on big yellow ballz." hahaha. inside jokes.
Camwhored & toilet breaks b4 heading to club @ Stjames powerhse. The company was great with people like weechng, junyan, kokliang, grace, danny, leonard, yaoyong, nelson weihao. oh, saw rizal & friends too :) my most happening night :) than something happen felt like it's a drama, someone wake me up plz. heeehhheee. tsktsk.
heels was sucha torture manz. damn my legs are already dying half way thru the night there. overall it was a gr8 night manz.
anyway I gotten my pay today & went to shop straight away after work @ forever21. damn spend a 1oo bux for 2 tops... tamade. I better get doing my sec tattoo before I go broke againnnnnnn. okay facebook suck ballz now man. can go barn buddy!! GODAMNIT.
Double O this sat, anyone?
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
how did you day went? mine was well.. :))
Well, Happy (belated) Birthday my besty aka seemong aka min taitai. haha :) Yesterday I met the girlfriends and Susan(jason) for dinner @ Meiyan's. dinner was good, had lots of craps. than we bought the birthday girl a small piece of cake from breadtalk. it suck ballz, damn it's sour and ewww. we'd picked the wrong choice thou. but anyhoos the birthday girl herself enjoyed much!
as for today, company's having some big event @ expo. boss ask me go but I don't want so I stayed in office to partyyy & slack & facebooking. haha. & finally I had my long tempation, CHEESE TARTS. they taste just like heaven. $3 ea. exp siol but it's worth every penny :) I used to hate cheese & milk.. even now. but these Cheese Tarts just taste heavenly!! & it's just opposite my workplace.
I regretted so much for spending my hard earned income so fast that I'm left with pathetic 2bux in the bank ): I need my pay!
Somehow. Somewhere. Someone still miss 'Ya.
Somedays are meant to be remembered,
Those days when we rise above the stars.
Some dreams live on in time forever,
Those dreams You want it with all your heart.
& the life we knew, had to change.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Going to work, being busy at work, than go home after that has already been my daily routine for three weeks. Sibei no life now but I'm so used to it. thank god for facebook & girlfriends my life has a little bit more colour now.. HAHA. okay so not funny. I need my L4D drug right now na na na na ~~
to think I actually thought today was dinner with girlfriends. ]:
someone still owe me botak jones big time!! haha. I saw many many people saying it's a nice place.. I'm so going to try it someday with .... see who want eat with me loh :)
oh, one last thing.. I already thought of how my second tattoo will be like. I'm so very funken excited. :) payday please be here soon yo!