first post of 2009, hello!!!!
PS: sorry for the lack of updates, have been busy with work because yours truly is now a officially a full timer for JellyBean Fun Factory!! YAYNESS.. but work is really tiring.
2008 has been treating me well! many many happenings thou but it's all memories..
I went for the countdown with the usual. it didn't turn out well, sadly. I had a bad start and the first mistake was to ever had the intention to go pub with XX.. his name shall remain anonymous if not it will rot my blog..
thanks to him my first few hours of 2009 was screwed for making me cab home instead heading to Blue Blazzer. but another someone was being a nuisance by not leting us(the girls) go by ourselves saying later we got into trouble yada yada. I JUST WANNA HAVE A DRINK (AT A PUB, HELLO?!).. NOT TROUBLE? anyway sorry I sound kinda bimbo but it's my virgin trip.. couldn't you all make it smooth for me? urgh.. there goes my start of 2009.
I went home banging the door.. blurting our vulgarities once I sat down on the sofa with a super grumpy face, had my shower and VROOOM.. I went to sleep immediately.
than I went to work in the morning. I only had 5 hours of sleep and in between my beauty sleep W called to say he miss me that;s so sweet but I think I ask him to hang up cus I need my sleep! haha sorry love you max.
k 2 jan is today.
I made Germaine laughed so much until she vomitted! OMG, so I ran to 7 eleven to buy her the sour orange skin (if you know what I'm referring to) and ran back to the shop immediately to save her.. but she still laugh when she's vommitting.. multi task person.
allI know that today was full of fun if not for her.. =) love working with her, always. ok did I sound like I love her.. eeks!
as for my New Year Resolutions:
- for everyone to be healthy
- for girlfriends to be forever girlfriends.
- for me to have my mind set and not feeling regretful in anything!!
- to have a simple and happy year ahead, not complicated.
if you manage to read my whole bloody chunk of words you're great, serious! bye now. with love!
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