Tuesday, December 30, 2008
welcome 2009 in 2 days!
how time flies..
we're already getting ready for a brand new year! awaiting for the countdown at Vivo tomorrow can't makes me any happier than this! it's going to be the 2nd year I spent the 'New Year' with W. :)))
well, 2008 had brought me many many great memories. and it's a year worth reminiscing. a year we all turned 18 and all ready for clubbing. a year we spent our 18th birthday with the same people over and over but we never got sick of it.
nevertheless once the new year start, it's time for me to work so it's a warning because everything gonna be abt work and work. am enjoying the last few days of year 2008, relaxing and shopping before all that stops.
anyway am having a hard time now.
Monday, December 29, 2008
today was all about nothing but eating and watching tv (plus online shopping, no impulsive shopping anymore.. I'm glad.) okay than later in the day I went to Novena to have Nyonya Cuisine with the mother and aunts etc.. it was so delicious! Babi Ponteh, Assam Curry Fish Head & the Sambal Sotong are some of my favs. Never thought I would actually have a chance to taste Nyonya dishes? am addicted to the show Little Nyonya now playing on channel 8. guess that's about it? tml will be yet another shopping day cus my sister and cousins are going to shop for CNY's clothes. needa get some new cosmetics hopefully?
Sunday, December 28, 2008
love me, love me not?
Missing the days when we used to hang out every sunday morning, eating nasi lemak at dhouby ghaut for breakfast before heading to watch movie. life has been so much so, fun.. NOT!
met W in the morning.. I went cotton on. we had breakfast cum lunch, we had tiffs, we watched movies & we were still cold to each other..
than came evening.. we over to my aunt's place for belated xmas dinner with the family. the turkey was delicious. many many nice stuffs.. salads, curry, honey baked ham etc etc and I had my filled! :)
and I was invited to go the Pub with min and the rest to celebrate kh's 18th birthday!! but I was still at my aunt's place so I backed out hehe.. I really really wanna go pub but next time perhaps?
and a few days back, I bought a necklace.. It was love at first sight because I NEVER liked wearing necklace.. except for those easily removed ones like the coloured beads I'm always wearing.
here it is.. !!
I'm so disappointed. I really am.
For having a friend like you, you know who.
A friend who means no harm. A friend who's like my another breast. A friend who listens to me, gives me advises. A friend who shops together, talk about bitches, cry together, laugh together with me. & whenever I need someone to talk.. there's no one else who could lend me a listening ear but You.
what are we becoming now? tell me about it.
I don't need you to apologize every time you're in the/feel that you're wrong. I always try to understand because you have your reasons for doing something.
You're someone who is good at abusing your beauty for everything you want. I'm sorry if my words hurt you. but I'm serious for what I say. I'm really sorry. I really hope you change over, heed my advise and go on with your life. A good friend shares secrets, no matter how BIG the secret is. Fact is, I know you very well. that is why I still stay calm, until now.
this time I really want to help, but how do I go on helping you?
this post may be meaningless to you, but it's just how I felt being someone close to you.
people tell me I'm your closest friend, but I'm having doubt. only You will have the answer to it. keeping things from me won't make you gain anything but only making my trust for you cease.
sigh, good friends? ha.
For having a friend like you, you know who.
A friend who means no harm. A friend who's like my another breast. A friend who listens to me, gives me advises. A friend who shops together, talk about bitches, cry together, laugh together with me. & whenever I need someone to talk.. there's no one else who could lend me a listening ear but You.
what are we becoming now? tell me about it.
I don't need you to apologize every time you're in the/feel that you're wrong. I always try to understand because you have your reasons for doing something.
You're someone who is good at abusing your beauty for everything you want. I'm sorry if my words hurt you. but I'm serious for what I say. I'm really sorry. I really hope you change over, heed my advise and go on with your life. A good friend shares secrets, no matter how BIG the secret is. Fact is, I know you very well. that is why I still stay calm, until now.
this time I really want to help, but how do I go on helping you?
this post may be meaningless to you, but it's just how I felt being someone close to you.
people tell me I'm your closest friend, but I'm having doubt. only You will have the answer to it. keeping things from me won't make you gain anything but only making my trust for you cease.
sigh, good friends? ha.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Always said I would know where to find love,
Always thought I'd be ready and strong enough,
But some times I just felt I could give up.
But you came and you changed my whole world now,
I'm somewhere I've never been before.
When I think of what I have, and this chance I nearly lost,
I cant help but break down, and cry.
Oh yeah, break down and cry.
Now I see, what love means.
Happy 5th baby.
meery xmas to you! =)

the overdued pictures from my chalet.
ytd night was spent at W's. before that headed to town for xmas celebration after work with the usual. than W and I had supper at boon lay, then to the newly opened 24 hours Ntuc at jp. woohoo, is me or the air con there was a blast. shivering, leaving me with a bad headache. but the night was so comfortable I slept well. ;)
ytd night was spent at W's. before that headed to town for xmas celebration after work with the usual. than W and I had supper at boon lay, then to the newly opened 24 hours Ntuc at jp. woohoo, is me or the air con there was a blast. shivering, leaving me with a bad headache. but the night was so comfortable I slept well. ;)
met up with the same people this evening and we headed to vivo then MSQ. woohoo, needa long rest been out almost everyday I dead beat. I've got work tml so yup need to hit the sack N.O.W!
sigh, sometimes I feel so distracted. I don not even know what I'm doing, saying words I shouldn't even say making the other one so pissed and whatsnot. fuck. maybe this is the 'insecure-ness' I always had. cold war begins.
anyway.. MERRY XMAS TO ALL!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
finally legal!
I had a wonderful 18th birthday! ;)
A big thanks to my MUM, Weiqiang, Derek, JJ and his cousin for playing a part and make it a successful party. =) not forgetting my girlfriends, my Jurong cliques, my beloved classmates, my horny babe, germaine and Esther and lastly my two ex classmates; junyan and weechng for the present you guys bought! ;) and thank you for those who wished me thru friendsters and text!
thanks all for making me a happy girl on my birthday! me happy happy.
although some of them couldn't turn up or maybe they had their reasons. but still I really really wann thanks those who make the effort to come!
chalet was nothing but eating, sleeping, gambling, idling around and it goes on and on. it was fun thou. we wanted to go for a swim but I guess we were just plain lazy.
on the eve of my birthday, 20dec, met up jo gf for retail therapy session before heading to derek's crib for stayover with W and jj. the charles and keith bag dear bought for me, dope!
Friday, December 19, 2008
There is not one of us that could say, in all honesty, that we haven't lied on several occasions. Most people lie when they are afraid of what would happen if they told the truth.
life is just full of lies and hypocrites.
so much things had taken place, leaving one party hurt. but what done cannot be undone. I'm just so disappointed.
I cannot stand skinny girls for some reason because they're always anorexic. I'm not pin pointing anyone in particular. It's just some random thoughts. look at CC and you know what I'm talking abt. sickening bitch.
anyway here are the pictures from Zoo. it's kinda overdued because my lappy's bluetooth is giving me problems the other time. =/
life is just full of lies and hypocrites.
so much things had taken place, leaving one party hurt. but what done cannot be undone. I'm just so disappointed.
I cannot stand skinny girls for some reason because they're always anorexic. I'm not pin pointing anyone in particular. It's just some random thoughts. look at CC and you know what I'm talking abt. sickening bitch.
anyway here are the pictures from Zoo. it's kinda overdued because my lappy's bluetooth is giving me problems the other time. =/

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Not in that way.
yay, finally gotten my bbq food all prepared, as in order yada yada. but I'm gonna get the rest of the stuffs, the utensils and whatnots tml. I can't wait for the "groceries" shopping tml.
anyway I spent my day at my grandma's place with sister and cousin. we eat, sleep, play mahjong, blackjack and the place almost turned into a gambling den! ;) adding on to granny by my side nagging nagging, asking us not to gamble anymore I think she couldn't stand us anymore but we still ignore her and conitnue with gambling hehehhehe. after dinner we were all crappy enough having fun squeezing with each other. hahha.
I felt that I'm losing the world.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
my happy boy with his new phone.
I brought the kids to the Singapore Zoo today with W. a total of 12 of us, I was being the nanny of the day HAHAHA. okay not nanny.. but to look after the kids. haha, I had fun thou but not the walking part. the weather was being a bitch because it can be very hot one moment and rain so heavily during the other.
we took many pictures.. but I'm not going to upload all. It's loading like damn long now.
We are all welcomed by the Parrots at the entrance!
no doubt the kids had their part of fun at the kids world! W and I just spent wasting our time having Ben and Jerry ice cream while watching them play. sweet or what? :) missed our animal shows and our trams rides because my athletic sister insisted on walking.
my little brother having his pony ride treat from me ;)
we were feeling bored so we asked the kids to get changed back into their super dripping wet clothes and we continued our journey. by then the next show started we were all dead beat so we had a break at the Ah Meng's restaurant.
they looked very reluctant to have a photo together. haha, I like this picture it's currently my phone's wall paper.
they looked very reluctant to have a photo together. haha, I like this picture it's currently my phone's wall paper.
livejournal sux for fucksake. It's lagging and I have problems going to sgflea ): it's happens everytime man. okay, that was my day. I off to watch survivor now goodbye! ;)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
tanning was a success, the sun was just right above us! but I'm feeling all itchy now.. but it's alright because my tanned lines are finally visible again! ;)
W finally got his 5220 express music. but he haven called me since ytd night when I went home. ):
okay I need to prepare for work now.
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I’ll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess
Its a love story baby just say yes
I just had frog porridge at Geylang with the girls and both my bosses. it's a supper treat from boss, finally 4 of us get to meet up together and happy 2 years taitai. I love you girls to the max, you all have been awesome much with love! we really had a great laugh for don't know what thing that has happened just now, seriously. I had fun as much as they did.. esp when I mistaken someone for a prositute when I wanna get into my boss car.. FUNNY.
gonna sleep soon, I've got to go for my tanning session with the fav girl.
& I hate it whenever some fucktards are trying so hard to be *AHEM* am just disgusted? whatever...
" have I told you lately, that I love you? "
So if my words don't come together, listen to the melody
'Cause my love is in there hiding :)
gonna sleep soon, I've got to go for my tanning session with the fav girl.
& I hate it whenever some fucktards are trying so hard to be *AHEM* am just disgusted? whatever...
" have I told you lately, that I love you? "
So if my words don't come together, listen to the melody
'Cause my love is in there hiding :)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
baby's 18th!
Happy 18th baby!
with love,
thou it was kinda screwed up.. we still tried to enjoy yes? hehe sorry for this morning for whatever happen when I was still half asleep. I shouldn't have shouted at you but I was sleeping.. when you disturbed me.with love,
so anyway his parents thought we were having a party at his place during midnight becus the usuals came over for a drink and stay over. I cooked spagetti for them, we played poker and bought macs. so sinful but it's once in a while hehe!! slept at 5 plus while the rest was still so energertic.
hope you love the Manhanttan Portage bag they bought for you. and the Express music phone which is on the way.. :)
hotmail is once again being a bitch. urgh, it takes forever to load whenever I click on an email! chicken pie. oh oh, I will be taking over Germaine's shift once Jan 2009 comes! save the trouble for looking for a full time job over again. yours truly is damn bloody broke now. ):
am on webcam with besty.. she look damn funny so I wanna let you guys see the ugly side of her:
(click to enlarge!!)
yay. ten more effing days to my chalet. yet to inform everyone cus mummy haven't forward me the e-mail for the unit number. but I still need to save up for my BBQ.
so sad, I regretted not going to D's hse to drink with the guys and Min. ): sometimes how I wish I stay somewhere near W's because we're just so far apart from each other and it's just so difficult to communicate with him.. moreover his phone is currently spoiled. my mum says I'm following her footstep because my dad used to live in Jurong also. HAHAHA.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
than we walked over to mini toons.. than W suddenly got me this:
Him: eh you want anot I buy for you.. but you cannot black black face anymore
Me: giggling away ( i thought he was kidding ok..) are you sure not?
Him: ya lah. you want than just take go counter.
Me: haha I want lah. but are you sure you gonna buy for me?
Him: YA LAH. go counter leh.
he is sweet just like that.
haha.. I was hugging the Eeyore all the way to the counter. thank you hunny for being sucha honey pie. I love you plus you're turning legal tomorrow!! YAY.. I wanna make spagetti for you tml morning..
yesterday I was working full shift. than jamie came over to have dinner with me. headed to Esther's chalet at Pasir Ris Park.. wah lan eh. the place damn eerie.. not only that.. I looks like a hostel instead. haha.. yesterday night was really crazy with the girls. came back this morning.. I feel like sleeping again but I've to go work later. ): jamie meeting her beebee later. enjoy your day girl!
Qoo is my King!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
" if i don't miss you, I won't be calling you already! "
finally it was a day working with my fav girl. this sweet ass came to fetch me from the bus stop becus it was raining animals like nobody's business. we've got so many things to catch up with. the time with her is just not enough even until the shop closes. when you see us, you'll see food! we were such gluttons that we had subway for "early" dinner and sliced fish bee hoon soup and fries for supper at near to 10PM! thank god we have such nice bosses to drive us home. I'm so excited for my BBQ esp when we were doing the planning of food just now! :)
my day was well, how about yours?
thanks jam, you made my day! tml prolly would be good becus of the best working horny partner. uhm did I just say horny? germaine, here I come!
Friday, December 5, 2008
simple day
Caught bolt today at Cine, it was a very nice show. ;) it really made my day yo. out with breadboy to town and MSQ. I was home early today surprisingly HAHAHA.
oh have been clearing my stuffs!!
will love you guys to the max yo!!
saving money saving money saving money.... it goes on and on..
Thursday, December 4, 2008
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man.
I’d listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he’s taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
this song is my latest addiction.
was already ready to go out when my place started pouring heavily. ): all thanks to me for waking up so late this morning.. or no afternoon? =x someone is angry for not turning up at his hse this early morning.. haha sorry breadboy.
okay back to watching 黑糖群侠传 !!
was already ready to go out when my place started pouring heavily. ): all thanks to me for waking up so late this morning.. or no afternoon? =x someone is angry for not turning up at his hse this early morning.. haha sorry breadboy.
okay back to watching 黑糖群侠传 !!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
time flies.
today is the very last day of school! I feel great, so great. just like a bird being freed from the cage. goodbye to Bedok ITE, & my fellow friends.. but we're keeping in touch yea? remember to turn up on 21 dec for the bbq. ^^
on a side note, because it was the last day of school, I decided to head out with W and the other two. the weather was being a bitch today. the weather was so hot that I sweat like pork and it rains the next bloody moment. which cause my pimple to grow 2 times as big as it was.. damn the weather!
had Sakae buffet, and I missed having my red plate again.. all thanks to my dear boy!! then was towning with min and jj. times just pass so fast? I feel so broke but I'm not. because I've been saving up.. I can actually not go online shopping can you believe it?! (actually I'm saving up for W's present.) so as to pamper myself.. Ive gotten myself a top from cotton on. woohhhoooo, I so love cotton on!! cottons are cheap hahahaha so why not?
on a side note, because it was the last day of school, I decided to head out with W and the other two. the weather was being a bitch today. the weather was so hot that I sweat like pork and it rains the next bloody moment. which cause my pimple to grow 2 times as big as it was.. damn the weather!
had Sakae buffet, and I missed having my red plate again.. all thanks to my dear boy!! then was towning with min and jj. times just pass so fast? I feel so broke but I'm not. because I've been saving up.. I can actually not go online shopping can you believe it?! (actually I'm saving up for W's present.) so as to pamper myself.. Ive gotten myself a top from cotton on. woohhhoooo, I so love cotton on!! cottons are cheap hahahaha so why not?
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