Thursday, September 4, 2008

Looking for that magic rainbow.

Tags Replies:

Baizura - lol, you're the pretty one, not me! :)
Jamie - haha, it's still earlyyyyy, lucky didnt overslept today! =/
Jaq - hi! your link please?
Khais - haha! thkq :)
Xiong - zZzz. we didn't know it was renovating omg the bian mian so nice lor.


Interior drawing exam today, wasn't really prepared for it thou. it was 3 freaking hours and there was simply no time to stone! I kept my cool, and continue to concentrate on what I'm doing even thou some people can't keep their mouth shut!


the outcome of my exam is:

I know, it's not properly done. but I've tried my best? the colour combi sucks I know. haha whatever.

We live and we learn
To take one step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly, or falling in love

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