Tags replies:Peiyi - thanks! miss you too. :)
Juju - haa, play play only. hahah MEET UP SOON YEA.
Xiong - zZzz, must you flood my tag?! lol.
Chiharu - Hello, oooo I really miss your jokes! doing fine? :)
J'amie - LOL, it wont hurts but plz be careful as in take good care of it for the first week!
MIANBAOCHAOREN - haha, don't eeeee leh. <3!

the 4 four us finally met each other again after like donkey years ago. needless to say, the day was AWWWWSUM hahahaha! thou during the day those guys were reluctant to get out of the house until 3plus? kinda pissed but yea, everything went well after we met them. =)
oh, & browsing thru stores and stores at FEP, I totally wasted money on my new colourful necklace (DAMN CHIO, i like it alot). Jam had her tragus pierce like ouch, be careful ok!! don't eat seafood.


& double date @ Sakae Sushi (sunday):

OKAY, done uploading pictures. many many more, but lazy to upload the rest.
on a lighter note, this week I've met W so many many times, v.happy of cus. when oct comes, it'll be lesser time spent with him, due to work and projects perhaps?
One - you're like a dream come true
Two - just wanna be with you
Three - Girl it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
Four - repeat steps one through three
Five - make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one...yeah...
Back at one - Brian McKnight.